This is the story of Bodhisatta’s life as a calf. One day, his mother confronted a tiger who wanted to eat her. The cow appealed the tiger to let her alive for a moment so that she could nurse her calf; she promised to come back then to be eaten by the tiger. The good-hearted tiger released the cow. After nursing and admonishing, the calf was curious about what would happen. He ran to the tiger and asked to eat him instead of his mother. Finally, the tiger sympathized and returned both of them their freedom.
This is the story of Bodhisatta’s life as a calf. One day, his mother confronted a tiger who wanted to eat her. The cow appealed the tiger to let her alive for a moment so that she could nurse her calf; she promised to come back then to be eaten by the tiger. The good-hearted tiger released the cow. After nursing and admonishing, the calf was curious about what would happen. He ran to the tiger and asked to eat him instead of his mother. Finally, the tiger sympathized and returned both of them their freedom.