In the village Sanekka of Uruwela, there lived a maiden named Suchada, the daughter of a rich man. She had made a vow to the angel extablished in a great banyan-tree, that if she married a worthy husband, and if her first-born proved to be a son, she would yearly make an immense offering in hounor of the angel of the tree.
Folio 25 on the recto side: In Culasakkarat (CS) 1202, a kot chai year, on the first waxing day of the fifth [lunar] month, the fifth day of the week (Thursday), a kat mot day. The writing of this manuscript had been finished in the morning between 6.00-7.30 o’clock. Xiang (Mr. ex-novice) Phomma had the religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript entitled Pathomsompot, to support the Teachings of the Buddha to last until the end of 5 thousand years. Nibbāna paccayo hotu no dhuvaṃ dhuvaṃ. (May this be a condition for us to reach Nirvana, certainly).