This historical chronicle tells of the army led by Senopati Sunan Ngudung (the father of Sunan Kudus) who attacked King Brawijaya of Majapahit but this time he perished. After Raden Patah took over the command over the soldiers they managed to defeat Majapahit. Majapahit falls and Demak is founded.
Other notes:
The manuscript is incomplete because of many missing pages at the start and end. The manuscript is numbered in Latin script in pencil on the recto pages and numbers 1-9, 49-54, 56-65 are missing and the numbering ends with number 75. Two following pages are damaged so that the numbers cannot be established. Some pages are damaged with a loss of text. The text is in poetic form using Javanese tĕmbang macapat meters.
Item 1 - Title in Roman script:
[Babad Majapahit Runtuh – Wejangan Walisongo]
Item 1 - Title in English script:
[The chronicle of the fall of the Kingdom of Majapahit – lectures of the Walisongo]