The text is a semi-historical chronicle and starts with King Brawijaya V of Majapahit who orders his son, Sultan Bintara, to pay a visit to his father. Sultan Bintara refuses and will only visit him and pay homage after his father has embraced Islam. The book ends with a war between Mataram and Demak.
Rampungipun panyerat ing dinten Setu Paing, tanggal kaping 7 Mulut Jimawal 1868 utawi kaping 7 Mei 1938.
Other notes:
The text is a poem written in Javanese tembang macapat verse. A note before the text starts reads: Kasambet wiwit panyeratipun ing dinten Ngahat Wage kaping 17 Sura taun Jimawal 1869, utawi tanggal kaping 20 Maret 1938 (writing continued on Sunday Wage, the 17th of the month Sura AJ 1869 or 20 March 1938).
The pages are numbered in international numerals.
A note written in a third hand (probably of the owner) on page 77 reads: “ora tinemu nalar” (no logic encountered) and on page 203: “yaiku bumi” (that is to say: earth). The text is written in blue ink.