The manuscript contains several stories and starts with a description of King Jayalengkara (Batara Santya), and ends with the journey of King Kartagnyana with his wife and children. The next story is about King Subatul Iman from Ngasmarakandi, in Arabia and ends in the capture of King Judah (King Baudhendha) by Raden Bundhan. The Prophet Muhammad who is attended by his companions and his people orders that they, as God’s created beings, will receive a special gift in the form of Islam. The story ends with the teaching about the four human passions.
Rampung Slasa Pon, 9 Sura Wawu 1865. Utawi kaping 24 April 1934. Harjopradjogo.
Serat babonipun risak, candhakipun ical. Rampung Setu Kliwon, kaping 11 Sapar Wawu 1865. Utawi kaping 26 Mei 1934. Hardjopradjogo.
Rampung Jumuwah Pon, 19 Sura Wawu 1865. Utawi ping 4 Mei 1934. Harjaprajaga.
Other notes:
The text is a poem in Javanese tembang macapat verse. There are 4 blank pages at the start and 12 at the end of the text.
Before the text starts the following information is included:
Ing dinten Jumuwah Pon tanggal kaping 8 Dulkangidah taun Be 1864 utawi tanggal kaping 23 Pebruwari taun 1934 (On the day Friday Pon, 8 Dulkangidah, year Be, 1864 or 23 February 1934).
After the end of the text follows: Rampung Slasa Pon, 9 Sura Wawu 1865. Utawi kaping 24 April 1934. Hardjopradjogo. (Ready on Tuesday Pon, Sura Wawu 1865 or 24 April 1934. Signature Hardjopradjogo). The numbering of the text is 1-494 in international numerals.
Some pages are damaged with loss of text.