The text contains what should be read during and after the daily prayers while at the end the mantra sirĕp was added. The prayers include: doa tasyahud, doa padhang ati, doa nurbuat, ayat kursi, and doa istigfar abdullah. They show that they are usually said by people belonging to the Shafi’i School. Different from these prayers, the mantra sirĕp is written in the Javanese dialect of Cirebon.
tammat wallāhu a’lam 22 bi al-ṣawāb 2220
Other notes:
The little pocketbook consists of lined paper. The prayers are in Arabic in Arabic script written in dark brown and black ink. The mantra uses Javanese and is written in pegon. Some text is written with pencil. The binding is bad and some pages have become loose. The paper is molded. The covers and pages at the beginning and end have diappeared.
Item 1 - Title in Roman script:
[Do’a Tasyahud]
Item 1 - Title in English script:
[Tashahud Prayer]
Item 1 - Author:
Item 1 - Language:
Arabic; Javanese
Item 2 - Title in Roman script:
[Do’a Padhang Ati lan Nurbuwat]
Item 2 - Title in English script:
[The Prayer for Enlightening the heart and Nurbuwat]