Thu (monk) Kaeo Kittisaro from Vat Pak Chaek temple
Subject matter:
Buddhist Literature
Thu (monk) Kaeo Kittisaro from Vat Pak Chaek temple
Copying date in native date:
ປີ ເມິ່ງມົດ ສັງກາດໄດ້ 1329, 1967
Copying date in Gregorian:
AD 1967
Place of copying:
Pak Chaek village, Pak U district, Luang Prabang province
Tham Lue
Writing support:
Manuscript cover?:
Manuscript cover dimension:
51.0 x 4.4 cm
Manuscript paper dimension:
51.0 x 4.4 cm
Text block dimension:
47.5 x 3.8 cm
Number of pages:
34 pages
Number of blank pages:
1 page
Manuscript condition:
Description of manuscript content:
After Queen Maha Maya gave a birth of her son at Lumbini Garden. King Suddhodana invited eight wise men to withness the naming ceremony and to suggest a good name for his son. The wise men examined the birthmarks of the prince and concluded, “ The prince will be a king of kings if he wants to rule. If he chooses a religious life then he will become the Wisest-the Buddha.” The youngest of the five wise men, Kondanna, then said, “This prince will be the Buddha and nothing else.” Then the wise men gave him the name Siddhartha meaning “wish-fulfilled.”
ລານທີ່ 1 ໜ້າ 1: ຈຳນວນມັນມີ 10 ຜູກຈິມກັນແລ ຄັນເສກໍ່ຫື້ຊອກແທ້ໄດ໋.
ໝາຍໜ້າທັບທຳປະຖະມະສຳພວດ ຜູກ 4 ແລ ເອົາໜັງໄທຫາດກໍ່ມາກ່າຍແລ ຈຸບັດນີ້ເປັນຂອງຫ້ວຍແຈກແລ້ວ ທຸແກ້ວຂຽນແລ ບໍ່ງາມກາຍແລ ເວລາຂຽນອາຍຸໄດ້ 20 ປີແລ 1967.
ລານທີ່ 17 ໜ້າ 2: ແລ້ວຍາມຕາຊ້າຍນັ້ນແລ ປີກ່າເມັດ ສັງກາດໄດ້ ພັນ 3 ຮ້ອຍປາຍ 28 ຕົວ ເດືອນ 6 ແຮມ 14 ຄ່ໍາ ວັນທິດ. ທຸແກ້ວຂຽນໄວ້ກັບສາສະໜາ 5 ພັນພະວັດສາແລ.
Lānthī 1 nā 1: Chamnuan man mī 10 phūk chim kan lae khan se kὁ hü sὁk thae dai.
Māi nāthap tham Pathamasamphuat phūk 4 lae ao nang thai hāt kὁ mā kāi lae chu batnī pen khὁng Hὁichaek laeo thu Keo khian lae bὁ ngām kāi lae vela khian āyū dai 20 pī lae 1967.
Lānthī 17 nā 2: Laeo yām tā sāi nan lae pī kā met sangkāt dai phan 3 hὁi pāi 28 tua düan 6 haem 14 kham van thit. Thu Keo khian vai kap sāsanā 5 phan pha vatsā lae.
Other notes:
This manuscript is the fourth fascicle of a series of ten fascicles holding DS no. DS 0056 00188 and 0056 00269 – 00277.