Rattana means “jewel or gem”. The text mentions about the Triple Gem or the three jewels which are the immence value of Buddhists including Buddha rattana, Dhamma rattana, and Sangha rattana. Buddha rattan a means the Buddha who attained enlightenment himself. Dhamma rattan means the teachings of the Buddha including Dhamma and Vinaya. Sangha rattana means the people who follow the Buddha’s teaching and then teach others.
Folio 36 on the recto side: In Culasakkarat (CS) 1257, a hap mot day, on the tenth waxing day of the first [lunar] month, the fourth day of the week (Wednesday), the writing of this manuscript was finished at the time of the morning drum (between 7.30 – 9.00 o’clock). Chao Yang Khammòm Maha Uparasa Kompharasavang Bovora Pharassanicet Maha Sathan Mungkhun Narathipat Sisuvanna Hokham Faina (Viceroy of the front palace) together with his queen were the principal initiators who jointly sponsored the making of this manuscript entitled Thamma Rattanasut, to support the Teachings of the Buddha to last until the end of 5000 years. May all our wishes and desires come true with Nirvāna as the ultimate goal. Nibbāna paccayo hotu me (May this be a condition for me to reach Nirvāna).