Jataka 1: Once upon a time the Bodhisatta was born as a poor orphan living outside Sawatthi city by cutting and selling logs. He then became an adopted child of a wealthy man’s wife in town. When he grew up, she took a poor woman to be his wife. Later, the wealthy man’s wife was expelled from the house and forced to live with her adopted child’s family.
One day he and his wife cut tree logs in the forest and made a Buddha image with clay, but they had no gold leaf to coat the image. God Indra and his wives disguised themselves to help the Bodhisatta by working to get wage and gold leaf. The ruler organized a big meritorious event; the poor man, his wife and his adopted mother thus donated the clayed Buddha image to a monastery but they were refused. God Indra helped them to successfully solve the problem.
In th meanwhile an ogre destroyed the celebration frightening the ruler very much who surrendered. God Indra therefore promoted the poor man into the new ruler.
Jataka 1: “คิดเป็นใบลานทั้งหมดได้ประมาณ ๑๐๐ ใบลาน
จบเมื่อวันที่ ๓๑ มีนาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๐๖ วันอาทิตย์ เดือน ๗ เหนือขึ้น ๗ ค่ำ เวลา ๒๒:๐๐ น.
พิมพ์จำหน่ายในพรรษา ปี ๒๕๐๖” (อักษรไทย)
There are approx. one-hundred folios in total.
[The manuscript was finished] on March 31, BE 2506, a Sunday, on the seventh waxing day of the seventh lunar month, at 22:00 o’clock and was published in CE 2506. [Thai Script]
Remark: This date corresponds to Sunday, 31 March 1963 (1324 Caitra 27) according to the Lan Na calendar.
Other notes:
Jataka 1: On the second front cover is a statement written in Thai script: “The Jātaka story of Tai Yai (Ngiao) entitled Alòng Phra Cao Din Niao was revised and edited by Singkha Wannasai, the fifth grade in Buddhist Theology, the advanced level of Dhamma scholarship, Teacher certification secondary exceptional sentence, living at 61 San Pa Yang Luang village, Nai Müang sub-district, Müang district, Lamphun province”.
Jataka 2: The date of starting the copying was written “August 7, BE 2506 (CE 1963)”. [“๗ สิงหาคม ๒๕๐๖”]
The date of finishing the copying was written “October 13, BE 2506, at 21:00 o’clock”. [“๑๓ ต.ค. ๒๕๐๖ ๒๑:๐๐ น.”]