The herbal medical treatise explains the medical recipes to heal different kinds of illness: boiled herbs for back-pain, waist-pain and better appetite, abdominal discomfort, wrong food, hemorrhoids, sore throat and air imbalance, etc.
สมุดพกครูบาเจ้าวัดหนองเส้ง เมืองลำพูน พุ้นเน้อ เขียนตำรายาต่าง ๆ แลเบ็ดเตล็ด มีในสมุดนี้เน้อ
This manuscript is a notebook belonging to Khruba Cao of Wat Nòng Seng, Lamphun province. Various medical recipes have been noted here.
Other notes:
Magic spells are included in some parts, such as the beginning and the end of the manuscript.