The prediction is divided into fifteen chapters as the followings:
- Chapters 1–12: Prediction of people born in different months within the year-cycle of twelve months
- Chapter 13: The mysterious importance of numerals of birth date
- Chapter 14: The triangle figure in relation to careers
Chapter 15: Colors of luck, prediction of organ shapes: face, ear, eye and nose.
[ข้าพเจ้าเกิดเมื่อ พ.ศ. ๒๔๕๘ อายุ ๑๘ ปี ใน พ.ศ. ๗๕ วันอาทิตย์ แรม ๒ ค่ำ เดือน ๗ วันที่ ๓๐ พฤษภาคม]
I was born [in the year] BE 2458, I am now 18 years old. [The writing was finished] in BE [24]75, on a Sunday, on the second waning day of the seventh month, on 30 May.
Remark: There is something apparently wrong with the date. 30 May 1932 (BE 2475) corresponds to 1294 Vaisakha 26 which is the eleventh waning day of the eighth (Northern Thai) lunar month of the year CS 1294 or BE 2475.