After being invited by his father and officials back to the kingdom of Siphi together with his wife, Matsi, Prince Wetsandòn (Vessantara) donated a large amount of money, commodities and food to the citizens and virtuously ruled the kingdom peacefully. Queen Matsi narrates the events which have occurred before and after her husband’s donation of their children to the Chuchok Brahmin, explains different kinds of cloth given by her mother-in-law, Phusadi and describes the home-coming celebration of Prince Wetsandòn.
ขอได้โปรดพิจารณาคำอ่านให้ถูกต้องตามคำเมืองเหนือ เพราะคำไทยบางคำก็ไม่เหมือนกัน ผิดถูกประการใด กรุณาอภัยด้วย จะเป็นพระคุณยิ่ง (ลายมือชื่อ) นายกองแก้ว ม่านมุงศิลป์ เขียน
Please read carefully in accordance with the local Kam Müang (Northern Thai) language because some words are different [from central Thai]. I would be so grateful if you forgave me for any mistakes I made. (Signature) Nai Kòng Kaeo Manmungsin wrote [the manuscript].