While residing at the Jetavanna monaster in Savatthi, the Buddha delivered a sermon to King Sanandharat ruling Sangkassa city who questioned the Buddha about the existence of his religion. The Buddha described about the lifespan of the previous Buddhas, and in this eon there are five Buddhas naming Kukkusandho, Konagamano, Kassapo, Gotamo and Ariyametteyyo.
ລານທີ່ 1 ໜ້າ 1: ໃບຫຼົບໜ້າແກ່ພະທໍານັບຊາດ.
ສາທຸ ສາທຸ ຜູ້ຂ້າຊື່ວ່າ ແມ່ຕູ້ຈັນທີ ທ້າວຫຼ້ານ້ອຍ ທ້າວຄໍາມົງຄຸນ ໄດ້ມີໃຈໃສສັດທາສ້າງໜັງສື ພະທຳນັບຊາດ ນັບກັບ ນັບອາສົງໄຂ ນີ້ໄວ້ກັບສາສະໜາຂອງພະໂຄຕະມະເຈົ້ານີ້ ຂໍອະນຸໂມທະນາ ອິທັງເມ ທຳມະທານັງ ອະສະວັກຂະຍາວະຫັງ ນິບພານະ ປັດຈະໂຍ ໂຫຕຸ ນີ້ແດ່ກໍ່ຂ້າເທີ້ນ ສາທຸ ສາທຸ ນິບພານະ ໂຫຕຸ.
Folio 1 on the recto side: The front cover of Phathamnapsat.
Sādhu sādhu, I am Maetu (old lady) Chanthi, Mr. Larnoi, Mr. Khammongkhoun, had the religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript entitled Phathamnapsat napkap nap-asòngkhai, to support the Teachings of Gotama Buddha. Amen!. Idaṃ me dhamma dānaṃ āsavakkhayāvahaṃ nibbāna paccayo hotu. Sādhu sadhu nibbāna hotu. (May my Dhamma gifts be a condition for me to obtain the extinction of defilements and a condition to reach Nirvāna. Amen! With nirvana).
ລານທີ່ 15 ໜ້າ 2: ສາທຸຍາພໍ່ ມະຫາແລບ ຣະອຽດສຸກ ເປັນຜູ້ຂຽນແລເຈົ້າເຮີຍ.
Folio 15 on the verso side: Sathu Yaphò Maha Laep Ra-iatsuk is the scribe.