The content tells about the previous existence of Gotama Buddha. At the time, Bodhisatta was born as a king named Saiya Sangkhaha Rasa. He taught the other rulers and gave them Khatha Dipamanta for paying homage. When the rulers worshiped the stanza and their kingdoms were in peace and prosperity without any dangers and enemies. Moreover, the king was faithful in the Buddha’s teachings. He supported Buddhism by building many monastic buildings including monks’ abodes, main halls, stupas and Buddha statues.
ລານທີ່ 5 ໜ້າ 2: ຈົບທີ່ນີ້ ແລ້ວວັນ 6 ເດືອນສິບ ລົງ 6 ຄໍ່າ ຕົວປີເຕົ່າໃຈ້ ຕົວປີຊວດ ພໍສໍ 2515 ໝາຍມີສັດທາສາທຸໃຫຍ່ອ່ອນຕາ ວັດມະໂນຣົມ ຂໍກຸສົນນາບຸນສ່ວນທຳທັງຫຼາຍເລົ່າແຜ່ໄປຮອດເຖິງຍາດ ຄືປິຕາ ມານດາ ຄູອຸບປັດຊາອາຈາຣິຍະ ມິດສະຫາຍ ແລະຍາຕິຊາຍຍິງນ້ອຍໃຫຍ່ທັງປວງ ຈົ່ງໄດ້ຮັບທຸກຖ້ວນໜ້າເທີ້ນ ສາທຸ ສາທຸ ຄືສັບພະສັດທັງປວງຈົ່ງໄດ້ຮັບດ້ວຍເທີ້ນ ອະນາຄະເຕ ກາເລ ນິດຈັງ ທຸວັງ.
Folio 5 on the verso side: The writing of this manuscript was finished in the sixth day of the week (Friday), on the sixth day of the waning moon of the tenth lunar month, a tao chai year, a suad year (year of the rat), BE 2515. Sathu Nyai Onta (great abbot Onta) from Vat Manorom is the sponsor of the making of this manuscript. May the benefit of this merit spread to my relatives such as parents, master teachers, friends and all siblings. May you all receive this merit, please! including all beings creature. Anāgate kāle niccaṃ dhuvaṃ (In the future constantly and certainly).