The story tells while residing at the Buppharam monastery in Savatthi, the Buddha spoke to King Pasenadi about the merit derived from making flags to worship the Triple Gem. The Buddha gave an example. In the time of Vipassi Buddha, a poor couple who had the most ardent religious faith in the Triple Gem made a flag in order to worship the Triple Gem. During preparing the flag, the husband suddenly died. With his faithful mind, he occurred in Tavatimsa Heaven as a divinity and possessed a lot of heavenly treasures.
ລານທີ່ 5 ໜ້າ 2: (ຂຽນດ້ວຍບິກສີຟ້າ): ສັດທາສາວກອງສີ ບ້ານວຽງໄຊ 3.2.73.
Folio 5 on the verso side: (written with a blue pen): Sao (Mrs) Kongsy from Ban Viengxai is the sponsor of the making of this manuscript. 3.2.73 (03/02/1973).
Other notes:
The last folio, verso side has an additional text written with a blue pen in modern Lao script stating that “ສັດທາສາວກອງສີ ບ້ານວຽງໄຊ (ຫຼວງພະບາງ) ສ້າງ 3.2.73 Sao Kongsi from Viangsai village (Luang Prabang) is the sponsor on 3.2.73”.