The story tells of one time, while residing at Buppharam Mahavihara monastery in Savatthi city, the Buddha delivered a sermon to King Pasenadi about the merit derived from making sand stupas. The king and his followers had made 84.000 sand stupas and dedicated it to worship the Triple Gem. A person who is faithful has made one or ten thousand stupas for worshiping the Triple Gem. After death, the person will never go to places of evil for 500 existences but will be born in Tavatimsa heaven with heavenly properties. Thereafter, the person will return to the human world with prosperity and servants.
ລານທີ່ 5 ໜ້າ 1: ສັງກາດໄດ້ 2515 ເດືອນ 5 ຂຶ້ນ 5 ຄໍ່າ ວັນອາທິດ ສັດທາໝາຍມີພະຟອງ ວັດທາດຫຼວງ ໄດ້ມີໃຈໃສສັດທາສ້າງ ສະຫຼອງພະຊາຍ ໄວ້ກັບພຸດທະສາສະໜາ ຂໍໃຫ້ໄດ້ດັ່ງຄຳມັກຄຳປາຖະໜາແດ່ກໍ່ຂ້າເທີ້ນ ສາທຸ ສາທຸ.
Folio 5 on the recto side: In Sangkat (BE) 2515, on the fifth day of the waxing moon of the fifth lunar month, Sunday. Pha (monk) Fong from Vat That Luang had the religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript entitled Salòng pha sai, to support the Teachings of the Buddha. May my wishes and desires come true.
Other notes:
The edges of the leaves are painted red. Some folios have traces of fractures and mould on the surfaces.