The story tells that King Suppabuddha had two children namely Prince Devadatta and Princess Yasodala or Bimba. Later Princess Yasodala was Prince Siddhartha’s wife. When Prince Siddhartha was ordained. This made King Suppabuddha angry. Since Prince Siddhartha made his daughter widowed. Prince Devadatta was ordained in the Buddha’s place. When Monk Devadatta attained some stage of high doctrine, he loved to show power by transforming himself, flying on the air. When he was prohibited to do so, he was angry and spited at the Buddha. Thereafter, Devadatta intended to harm the Buddha. He tried to kill the Buddha many times, but to no avail. Finally, the earth sucked him into the Niraya hell for his deeds.
ລານທີ່ 10 ໜ້າ 2: ສະເດັດແລ້ວຍາມຕາວັນທ່ຽງບິດບ່ຽງເຂົ້າສູ່ຕອນ[ແລງ]ແລເຈົ້າເຮີຍ. ຈຸນລະສັກກະຣາດໄດ້ 1322 ປີກົດໃຈ້ ເດືອນ 4 ແຮມ 4 ຄ່ຳ ແມ່ນວັນຜັດ ຂ້າລຸງນ້ອຍ ເມືອງໄຈ ຂຽນເມື່ອມໍ່ 25003 (ພສ. 2503) ເຈົ້າເຮີຍ. ທໍາວັດຊະເຣີນ (ວັດຊະເລື່ອນ) ເມືອງຊຸມ (ເມືອງຈອມເພັດ).
Folio 10 on the verso side: The writing of this manuscript was finished at midday, a little bit to the afternoon. In Cunlasakkarat (CS) 1322, a kot chai year, on the fourth day of the waning moon of the fourth lunar month, Thursday. I am Lung (uncle) Noi Mueangchai, who wrote this manuscript almost in the year of BE 2503. The manuscript belongs to Vat Saroen (Vat Saluean), the district of Sum (Chomphet).
Item 1 - Title in Native script:
ຊ້າງ 3 ງາ ປາ 3 ງ່ຽງ (ຜູກຕົ້ນ)
Item 1 - Title in Roman script:
Xāṅ 3 ngā pā 3 ngiaṅ (phuk ton)
Item 1 - Title in English script:
A three-viory-elaphant and a three-fin-fish (fascicle 1)