The story tells about the Bodhisattva's perfection of giving. Once, Bodhisatta was born as a rabbit. Indra tested the rabbit’s mind while practicing perseverance. Indra transformed himself as an old Brahmin named Sakka and came to the rabbit. The rabbit questioned Sakka about his purpose of coming. Sakka said he came to find food. Then the rabbit told Sakka to make a fire and kill him and roast him for his food. Because the rabbit did not want Sakka to kill other animals in the forest. So, Indra told the rabbit of his reality and appreciated the rabbit for his perfection of giving. Another life, the Bodhisatta was born as a squirrel. His parents were blind. One day, a hunter tried to shoot his parents on the tree. Bodhisatta came down and told the hunter to kill him instead of his parents. But the hunter did not believe it, he killed all of them.