The story tells one previous existence of the Bodhisatta before becoming Prince Vessantara, he was born as a millionaire who was faithful in the Triple Gem and general to other people. One day, a man came to the millionaire and borrowed him money in the amount of one hundred. But the man did not return. Therefore, he had to return the millionaire in the form of his elephant for many thousand existences. Later, when the Bodhisatta became Prince Vessantara, the elephant was born as the elephant named Paccayanakena, and finally it became the Kandaka Horse of Siddhartha in this life.
Other notes:
This manuscript was registered by the preservation of Lao Manuscripts Programme (PLMP) and bears no. The date of the writing of this manuscript which appears in the colophon “Sangkrat 1269, a moeng mao year” is possibly CS 1269, a moeng mot year.