The story tells that Bodhisatta was born as an elephant named Sathanta and practiced the perfection of perseverance. He was a successor to his father and became head of the elephant herd. Sathanta had two wives named Suphatthra Rasadevi and Cunla Suphatthra Rasadevi. One day, Cunla Suphatthra Rasadevi felt neglected by thing that her husband loved only Suphatthra Rasadevi. She looked upon Sathanta with hatred and planned to kill him. She asked a hunter named Sonuttara to kill her husband. The hunter dug a big hole near the pond where Sathanta and his herd came to drink the water. When Sathanta came to the pond, the hunter shot him with a poisoned arrow. Sathanta could kill him, but he did not do that because he kept his perfection of perseverance. Finally, he died.