The story tells that Bodhisatta was born as a naga king (serpent) and practiced the perfection of morality. He kept the eight precepts. There was a snake charmer who earned his life with a snake show. One day, the snake charmer caught the Bodhisatta for showing. Bodhisatta was captured for a long time until he was skinny because of malnourished. The snake charmer gave the Bodhisatta frogs but he did not eat them due to keeping his precepts. Then, the snake charmer gave him the rice with honey, the Bodhisatta survived. Bodhisatta was freed with the help of his wife named Sumana Devi. She told King Ukhasena of Pharanasi about the story of the Bodhisatta. The king bought the Bodhisatta from the snake charmer with one hundred bulls.