The text tells about the eight ubat (upadva, sinisters) which are informed by eight gods. The eight upadva are inauspicious events, consist of Inda ubat, pha phoeng ubat, pha yom ubat, pha som ubat, pha phai ubat, phisanu ubat, pha vorana ubat, pha phai ubat. When any event happens with anybody and he makes worship, he will be lucky, if not, he will confront bad lucks. For example, Inda ubat (sinisters of Indra) are the signs as following: a lightening near the house; a rainbow happens in the village; bee build their comb in the house; a snake climbs into the house; an owl flies into the house; a tree falls over the house; a wild animal likes a boar, a deer, a barking deer runs into a village.