The first part of the text was written in Pali and the second part was written in Lao as descriptions. The content tells about the virtues of a mother. After the Buddha attained enlightenment, he recollected his mother Queen Mahamaya who passed away when he was seven days old. The Buddha compares the virtues of his mother like a greatest ocean. The Buddha would like to recompense to her. Thus, the Buddha ascended to Tavatimsa heaven. There, the Buddha was welcomed by devas, Indra, four heavenly kings, who were carrying lights and flowers to him. The Buddha stayed there for three months during the rainy seasons and delivered the sermons of the seven chapters of Abhidhamma.
(1) ລານທີ່ 11 ໜ້າ 2: ນາງສິນ ເຈົ້າສັດທາ.
Folio 11 on the verso side: Mrs.Sin is the sponsor of the making of this manuscript.
(2) ລານທີ່ 12 ໜ້າ 2: (ຂຽນດ້ວຍບິກສີຟ້າ): ທານໜັງສືທຳ ສັດທາຂອງຍາທ່ານບຸນຍົງ ເຂັມມະວົງ ຂໍໃຫ້ຢູ່ເຢັນເປັນສຸກເທີ້ນ.
Folio 12 on the verso side: (written with a blue pen): Yathan Bunyong Khemmavong is the sponsor of the making of this manuscript. May I have a happy life.