The content tells the story of Satila Setthi (Jatila Millionaire). Satila suddenly became a millionaire because of a mountain of gold with eight cubits high happening next to his house. This gold mountain happened with the power of merit which he conducted the previous lives. The king of Pharanasi kingdom established Satila as a great millionaire of his kingdom. Later, Satila was ordained as a monk at the place of the Buddha and obtained arahantship within three days.
ລານທີ່ 1 ໜ້າ 1: ມູນລະສັດທາ ແສນສຸລິນ ຜົວເມຍ ສ້າງແລ ທຳມະປັດຖະ ໄວ້ສືບສາສະໜາພະເຈົ້າ ເທົ້າຫ້າພັນວັດສາແລ.
Folio 1 on the recto side: Saen Sulin and his wife sponsored the making of this manuscript entitled Thammapattha, to support the Teachings of the Buddha to last until the end of 5000 years.
(more, see DS 0063 00100)