The story tells of one occasion, while dwelling in Nikhotharam monastery in Kappiravatthu, the Buddhas delivered a sermon to the monks. The Buddha mentioned one of his previous lives and told this story. Once upon a time, there was a poor couple who lived in Vannampakham village in Champa Nakhon kingdom. When their first son was born, the solar eclipse happened. Therefore, they gave a name to their son as Suriyakhat (solar eclipse). Later their second son was born. At the time, the lunar eclipse occurred. So, they gave a name to their second son as Chanthakhat (lunar eclipse).
(1) ລານທີ່ 1 ໜ້າ 1: (ຂຽນດ້ວຍບິກສີຟ້າ) ສົມເດັດພະສັງຄະຣາດ ທໍາມະຍານະ ວັດໃໝ່ ເປັນຜູ້ກວດແນະຢົດຢາ ແປງໄມ້ກັບໃສ່. 2505.
Folio 1 on the recto side: (written with a blue pen): Somdeth Pha Sangkharat (supreme patriarch) Thammayana from Vat Mai was an editor and corrector, and also made Mai pakap (wooden cover) for this manuscript. [BE] 2505.
(2) ລານທີ່ 26 ໜ້າ 1: ມານະວັນ 3 [ຂຶ້ນ] 14 [ເດືອນ] ຍີ່ ຕີກຸລະຍະສົກ ຍາມກອງງາຍ ໝາຍມີ ເຈົ້າຫົວວຽງແກ ແລະສະຫະພະຣິຍາໄດ້ສ້າງ ລຳຈັນທະຄາດ ໄວ້ກັບສາສະໜາພະໂຄຕະມະເຈົ້າ ເທົ້າ 5 ພັນວັດສາ ກໍ່ຂ້າເທີ້ນ ສາທຸ ສາທຸ.
Folio 26 on the recto side: On the third day of the week (Tuesday), the fourteenth day of the waxing moon of the second lunar month, tikulayasok, the writing of this manuscript was finished in the morning (between 7.30-9.00 o’clock). Chao Hua Viangkae and his wife sponsored the making of this manuscript entitled Chanthakhat, to support the Teachings of Gotama Buddha to last until the end of 5000 years. Sādhu sādhu (Amen, amen!).