The content tells the story and predictions of the two Buddhas including of Gotama Buddha and of Ariya Mettayya, the future Buddha. The predictions report that the human beings will confront with many sufferings in the future. First suffering comes from unlimited greed. Second suffering comes from the results of a big war in Somphu continent. Third suffering comes from appetite. Fourth suffering comes from penalty racking by high ranking rulers. Fifth suffering comes from ransacking by thieves. Sixth suffering comes from separation among parents, siblings, and relatives. Seventh suffering comes from homeless. Eighth suffering is because of cruel mind.
ລານທີ່ 13 ໜ້າ 2: ລິດຈະນາຍາມກອງງາຍ ໝາຍມີພໍ່ອອກຊຽງດີ 2 ຜົວເມຍ ມີໃຈໃສສັດທາເປັນອັນຍິ່ງຈິ່ງພ້ອມກັນສ້າງໜັງສື ຕຳນານທຳຄຳສອນພະເຈົ້າ 2 ພະອົງ ນີ້ໄວ້ກັບສາສະໜາ ຂໍໃຫ້ຜູ້ຂ້າທັງ 2 ຜົວເມຍໄດ້ເຖິງສຸກ 3 ປະການ ມີນີຣະພານເປັນທີ່ແລ້ວກໍ່ຂ້າເທີ້ນ. ນິບພານັງ ປະຣະມັງ ສຸກຂັງ.
Folio 13 on the verso side: The writing of this manuscript was finished at the time of the afternoon’s drum. Phò-òk Xiang Dy and his wife jointly had the ardent religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript entitled Tamnan tham khamson phachao 2 pha ong, to support the Teachings of the Buddha. May both of us reach the three states of happiness with Nirvāna is the greatest bliss. Nibbānaṃ paramaṃ sukkhaṃ (Nibbana is the greatest bliss).