While residing at the Jetavanna monaster in Savatthi, the Buddha delivered a sermon to King Sanandharat ruling Sangkassa city who questioned the Buddha about the existence of his religion. The Buddha described about the life-span of the previous Buddhas, and in this eon there are five Buddhas naming Kukkusandho, Konagamano, Kassapo, Gotamo and Ariyametteyyo.
"Folio 13 on the recto side: The writing of this manuscript had been finished in the afternoon, on the fifth day of the week (Thursday), the tenth waning day of the seventh [lunar] month.
Folio 13 on the verso side: Pa (Aunt) Kula had the religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript entitled Phachao Napsat (the Buddha’s lives) to support the Teachings of the Buddha. May I reach the three states of happiness with Nirvana as the ultimate. May this merit support my parents, grand-parents and all relatives. As the scribe, may I share much merit. Please do not blame me as my hand-writing is not so beautiful."
Item 1 - Title in Native script:
ພະທໍານັບຊາດ (ພະເຈົ້ານັບຊາດ)
Item 1 - Title in Roman script:
Dhamma Jāti (Buddha Jāti)
Item 1 - Title in English script:
The remembrance of the former existences of the Buddha