The text mentions Dhananjaya the millionaire giving his advice to his daughter, Visakha who married Punnavaddhana and moved to her husband’s family. His ten advise as following:
1. A wife should not criticize her husband and parents-in-law in front of other people.
2. A wife should not listen to the stories or reports of other households.
3. Things should be lent to those who return them.
4. Things should not be lent to those who do not return them.
5. Poor relatives and friends should be helped.
6. A wife should sit gracefully.
7. Before taking her food, a wife should first see that her parents-in-law and husband are served.
8. Before going to sleep, a wife should see that all doors are closed.
9. Her parents-in-law and husband should be treated very carefully, like fire.
10. Her parents-in-law and husband should be given respect due to devas.