Kayanakhon or Kāyanagara (the body city) describes a city by comparing our body as a city and our mind as a king called Cittarat or Citta Raja who governs the city, and the diseases as enemies. The body city has its area of only one wa (two metres) of length and one palm span (twenty-five centimetres). It has four layers of fences including skin, flesh, tendons and bones; four fortresses including hair, fur, nails and teeth; nine doors including mouth, butt hole, pee tube, both nostrils, and both auditory canals; and five sensitive material qualities including eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body. The King Cittarat has two queens including the Queen of Avijja (ignorance) and the Queen of Tanha (craving); and four ministers including Lobha (greed), Dosa (hatred), Kodha (anger), and Moha (delusion).