The third fascicle of the story of Venerable Uppagupta Thera. The story tells that in BE 218, King Asoka celebrated his 84,000 stupas for seven years seven months and seven days. At the time, the Mara appeared and destined a heavy rain to destroy the ceremony. Phra Uppagupta Thera who is living in the underworld had suppressed the Mara. They both were fighting each other with supernatural power. Finally, the Mara was controlled. The Venerable tied Mara's neck with a carcass of a dog and attached him to the Sumeru Mount until the celebration had fully finished. Then the Venerable gave the Mara freedom.
Item 1 - Title in Native script:
ອຸບປະຄຸດ (ຜູກ 3)
Item 1 - Title in Roman script:
Uppagupta (phuk 3)
Item 1 - Title in English script:
The story of Venerable Uppagupta Thera (fascicle 3)