The manuscript tells the story of the exploits of Sunan Gunung Jati and his meeting with Dewi Pakungwati; how Syekh Syarif became Sunan Gunung Jati Cirebon; the competition for the hand of Nyi Panguragan; Erang Raja Galuh. The text also tells the story of the nine saints of Java called Walisongo.
“…Tabe ingkang serat mung semanten penyeratipun, nami pun kang nyerat surma…”
Translation: with respect, I have only been able to write this manuscript this way, my name is Surma.
Other notes:
The cover is made of woven pandanus leaves covered with brown batik cloth. The owner is the grandson of Ki Wilut, the older broter of Ki Dalang Taham.