Tammat li sab‘in khalwan min Dhi al-Ḥijjah fī sanah Ghashyadin ‘alá yad kātibihā ‘Abd al-Raḥmān ‘Abd al-Salām Sampurnanī ‘afallāh ‘anhumā wa ‘an jami‘i al-Muslimān āmīn yā rabb al-‘ālamīn.
Other notes:
At the start, it is stated that the manuscript used to belong to ‘Abd al-Raḥmān ibn ‘Abd al-Salām. In the inside cover is written that the manuscript used to belong to Haji Muhammad Sa’id bin Haji Muhammad Saleh Sampurnan, and then went to Muhammad ‘Aqib bin Haji Abdurrahman bin Haji ‘Abdus Salam in 1329 H.