Once upon a time, the Buddha gave his past life as a case study to teach the Bhikkhus. There was a widow who was a weaver and a farmer. She drank a water from elephant’s footprints and then got pregnant. She gave birth to a son named “Gaddhanakumāra.” When the son grew up. He took a good care of his mother. One day he went to dig up sweet potatoes and met Yakkha “giant.” He fought with the giant and won the fight. The giant offered a magic object and told him the map where the treasure was preserved. The giant suggested that that place would be a shrine of Buddhadhātu “bone of the Buddha” in the future. After that, the king of Śriṣakeṣa city invited Gaddhanakumāra and his mother to live in the city.
Other notes:
(Left side of the first folio) “Kaddhana, first fascicle”.