Vanappavesana (the forest-entry section) is the fourth section of the 13 sections of the Vessantara jataka. The contents describe that Prince Vessantara led Princess Maddi, Jali and Kanha to Mount Vamka. On their way to Mount Vamka they were welcomed by King Jetarat. The king asked Prince Vessantara to rule Jetarat kingdom together with him. But Prince Vessantara refused and asked the king for directions to Vamka hill. When they arrived at Mount Vamka, they separately stayed in two Sala (pavilion) which had already been erected there.
ปริปุณณะแล้วยามแถจักขึ้นสู่เที่ยง สะเหมียงบ่แล้วแลเจ้าเอิย ฯ
อรหนฺตามคฺคญารณํ นิพฺพานปจฺจโย โหนฺตุ เม ฯ
แก่ข้าทังพระปิตตามาดาพี่น้องชู่ฅนเทิอะ ฯ นิจฺจํ ธุวํ ธุวํ แก่ข้าแล ข้าเฝิกใหม่แลเจ้า ฯ
[I] finished copying [this manuscript] before noon but almost failed to finish it.
Arahantāmaggañāraṇaṃ nibbānapaccayo hontu me [May the merit support us to become Arahant disciples and reach Nirvana]
May [the merit derived from copying this manuscript] lead me, my parents, and all my family members to Arahantship and Nibbāna. Niccaṃ dhuvaṃ dhuvaṃ. I have just recently learnt to start copying palm-leaf manuscripts.
Other notes:
(Left side of the first folio) “Vanapavesa, 57 Gaṭhā”.