Mahāvana or Mahapon means the great forest and is the seventh episode of the 13 episodes of Vessantara Jataka. It tells of the Brahmin Jūjaka who was wandering through the small forest and then met the ascetic Accuta who greeted him politely. The Brahmin lied to the ascetic that he was an emissary from Siphirat and the ascetic trusted him and welcomed with fruits and invited him to stay overnight in his hut. The next morning, the ascetic showed the Brahmin the way to Mount Vangkata.
ทุนายขัตติยภิกษุ แต้มตัวบ่งาม ฯ ศักขาดได้ 1224 ตัว ปลีตั้งธัมม์หลวงฅั้งถ้วน 2 นั้น วัสสายุงนักนัก แต้มหนังสือซ้ำบ่เปนตัวคำเดียวแลที่ไหว้จีดอกมะแมงเหิย ถ้อยพิจจณาดูเทิอะ ฯ อิทํ เม ธมฺมลิกฺขิตฺตทาเน ยถา ภเว ภเว ชาโต ติกฺขปญฺโญ โหนฺตุ โน นิจฺจํ ธุวํ ธุวํ ฯ
Monk Khattiya finished copying [this manuscript] with unattractive handwriting in Cuḷasakarāja 1224, in which there was the Mahachat festival (Tang Tham Luang) twice. My handwriting is unorganized because since there were many mosquitos. Please consider the text carefully.
Idaṃ me dhammalikkhittadāne yathā bhave bhave jāto tikkhapañño hontu no niccaṃ dhuvaṃ dhuvaṃ
[May the merit derived from copying the manuscript reward me with sharp intelligence and valiantly in every next rebirth]
Remark: The year corresponds to 1862 CE.
Other notes:
(Front cover) “Front cover of Mahāvana, Phra Kaeo Müang Fang Pa Sang Chiang Mai version”
(Back cover) “Mahāvana”
(Left side of the first folio) “Mahāvana, Phra Kaeo Müang Fang Pa Sang Chiang Mai version”