Cullapon, meaning ‘a small forest’ is the sixth episode of the 13 episodes of the Vessantara Jataka and tells of a Brahmin called Jujaka who was walking to Mount Vamka to ask Prince Vessantara for the two kumara (young prince and princess), Jali and Kanha. On his way, Jujaka meets the hunter, Jetaputta. When he was chased by the hunter’s dogs, he climbed up a tree where he tricked the hunter by telling him that he was a royal emissary sent to invite Prince Vessantara. The hunter trusted him and showed him the way to Vamkata.
ข้าริกขิตตะเดือนเจียง ออก ๒ ฅ่ำ พร่ำว่าได้วัน 4 แลเจ้าเอิย สระเด็จแล้วเดือนเจียง ออก 14 ฅ่ำ พร่ำว่าได้วัน 6 เมงแล ตัวหนังสือพ่อร้าง นางฅำอะสังหุ บ่งามสักคายแล นโสภติ แลนายเหิย ฯ
I started copying [this manuscript] on the second waxing-moon day of the first [lunar] month, Wednesday and finished [it] on the fourteenth waxing-moon day of the first [lunar] month, a Saturday. My handwriting is not that beautiful.
Other notes:
(Front cover) “Front cover of Cunlaphon (Julavana)”
(The left side of the first folio) “Culavana, copied by Phra Attha for Phra Cantha who lives at Wat Monthian.”