Sudassana knew that his fiancée ran away and was now to be ordained. He sent ambassadors to the ruler of Gandharaṭṭha City asking if the ruler’s daughter could be his wife. But Brahmacārī who was chased away by Sudassana (mentioned earlier) went to the Sudassana’s palace and killed him. After that, she offered the city to Chandara-kumāra.
ปริปุณณะแล้ววัน 5 แล แล้วยามกองแรงแก่ข้าเจ้าเฮิย ฯ
อรหนฺตามคฺคญาณํ ทินฺนํ นิพฺพาน ปจฺจโย โหนฺตุ นิจฺจํ ธุวํ ธุวํ แก่ข้าแลเจ้าเอิย ฯ
[The writing of this manuscript] was completed on the fifth day of the week at the time of the sunset drum. Arahantamaggañāṇaṃ dinnaṃ nibbāna paccayo hontu niccaṃ dhuvaṃ dhuvaṃ.
Other notes:
(Left side of the first folio) Canthakhat, fifth fascicle”.