Once upon a time, the Buddha went to a mountain named “Don Tao.” He gave the Dhamma to Indra god and other gods and goddesses and offered his hair to be enshrined. The Buddha predicted that O Ānada! When Tathāgata passed away, King Asoka would bring Tathāgata’s relics together with the hair to this place. There will be a woman named “Sujātā” donate the Vihāra “main hall,” Cetiya, and Buddha images made from emerald. People will call this place “Wat Phra Kaew.” One day, Sujāta was slandered for having sexual intercourse with a senior monk and that she was ordered to death penalty. Her death caused the famine to the city and made people migrate to other places and that the Wat Phra Karw was abandoned until the BE of 1280. The temple was renovated and became prosperous again. Those, who copy this manuscript by themselves or employ others to do so for them and dedicate the merit to the dead ones, will be reborn in the realm of heaven after death.
สระเด็จแล้วเวลา 11 โมง ขึ้น 5 ฅ่ำ วัน 1 พุทธสักกราช 2496 จุฬสักกราช 1315 สัทธาอ้ายเมียง ส้างธัมม์ตำนานวัดภะแก้วค้ำชูโชตกะพุทธสาสนา 5000 ภวัสสา ฯ ข้าหนานสี เปนฅนเขียน อยู่บ้านท่าเค้าม่วง ฯ ปฐมมุลลสัทธานางสม ได้ช้างข้าเขียนยังตำนานภะแก้วผูกนี้ ค็เดิมเพื่อจักทานไพหาแม่ผู้ ๑ ชื่อนางอินปันว่าสันนี้แท้ดีหลี ฯ
นิพฺพาน ปจฺจโย โหนฺตุ เม นิจฺจํ ธุวํ ปรมํ สุกฺขํ ฯ
I, Mr. Si, living at Ban Khao Muang, finished copying [this manuscript] in CS 1315, corresponding to 2496 BE. The manuscript was sponsored by Mr. Müang and Mrs. Som who transferred the merit [derived from donating this manuscript] to their mother named Mrs. Inpan.
Nibbānapaccayo hotu me niccaṃ duvaṃ duvaṃ
[May the merit derived from making this manuscript support us to reach Nirvana]
Remark: The year corresponds to 1953 CE.
Other notes:
(The left side of the first folio) “Chronicle of Phra Kaeo”.