Sakkapabba or Sakkaban (the section on Sakka or Indra) is the tenth section of the 13 sections of Veassantara Jataka. The content mentions Sakka or Indra transformed as a Brahmin and bagged Princess Maddi from Vessantara. Vessantara gave Maddi to the Brahmin. Then the Bramin gave Maddi back and also eight blessings to Vessantara such as may the people of the Sivi city forgive him and invite him back home.
กันไชภิกขุลิกขิตตะ เดือน 12 ลง 10 ฅ่ำ วัน 6 แก่ข้าภะเจ้าแล้วแล ฯ
I, Monk Kanchai, finished copying [this manuscript] on the tenth waning-moon day of the twelfth [lunar] month, the sixth day of the week.
Other notes:
(Front cover) “Front cover of Sakkapabba, Tha Paen Ròm Version, completed in Cūḷasakarāja 1281, a kat met year”.
(Back cover) “Back cover of Sakkapabba, Tha Paen Ròm Version, completed in Cuḷasakarāja 1281, a kat met year, last folio”.