Mahārāja (the great king) is the eleventh of the 13 episodes of the Vessantara Jataka. The text tells that Brahmin Jūjaka took Jali and Kanha back to his hometown in Kalinka. He got lost and he was directed to Sivi which was the city of King Sonsai (Sanjaya). When King Sonsai saw his grandchildren, he ransomed the two young royal children from Jūjaka. The king also fed the Brahmin with delicious food. Because he had been hungry for many days, the Brahmin ate too much, his bloated stomach broke, and he died.
กันไชภิกสุเขียน เดือน ๑๒ ลง ๕ ฅ่ำ วันเสา ฯ
อรหนฺตา มคฺคผล โคตม เมตเตยฺย สนฺติเก อนาคตกาเล ฯ
I, Monk Kanchai, finished copying [this manuscript] on the fifth waning-moon day of the twelfth [lunar] month, a Saturday.
“Arahantā maggaphala gotama metteyya santike anāgatakāle”
Remark: The date corresponds to Sunday, 14 September 1919 (1281 Bhadrapada 20).
Other notes:
(Front cover) “Front cover of Mahārāja, Tha Paen Ròm Version”.
(Front flyleaf) “Cuḷasakarāja 1281, a kat met year”.
(Back cover) “Back cover of Mahāraja, Tha Paen Ròm Version”.
(Back flyleaf) “In Cūḷasakarāja 1281, a kat met year, Monk Kanchai from Wat Kòk Tai, Nan, Nan province, wrote [the manuscript] for Phra Khru Dhammaratabhuminta.”