Prince Chao Buarawong and Prince Chao Suriya were sons of KingPhra Chao Phalai and Mrs Chanthra. When they grew up, they missed their home country. Prince Chao Suriya became a king. Prince Chao Buarawong had undertaken a journey and was cheated by a vicious wealthy man who took his crystal ball and sold it to the city ruler. The daughter of the city ruler helped him, and they got married to a millionaire. Later, Prince Buarawong helped his mother and brought her back to his palace. But a daughter of the millionaire helps him and finally Chao Buarawong marries her.
[The writing of this manuscript] was completed at the time that babies are asleep. Novice Gandhā has recently started learning to inscribe palm-leaf manuscripts. My handwriting was not beautiful and looks like crabs walking on rice ridges.