King Brahmadatta had a son named Suttasoma who, once an adolescent, went to study in Takkasilã. Having finished his studies, he married Princess Candã who bore him two sons. Suttasoma, wishing to become a hermit, bid farewell to his wife and his officers. They all tried to convince him not to go, but Suttasoma remained firm. As Suttasoma was journeying towards the Himavant, Indra ordered Vissukamma to build him a hermitage. Suttasoma practiced the dharma for many years. After his death, he went up to the svarga where he was reborn as a devaputta.
[The writing of this manuscript] was completed in the evening. Monks and novices who use this manuscript are suggested to be very careful because I am not good at writing palm-leaf manuscripts. I have just recently learnt it. [The writing of this manuscript] was completed on Sunday, on the fifth waxing-moon day of the first [lunar] month, BE 2480. Novice Cankaeo wrote the first half of this manuscript and I, Novice Yong, wrote the second half. We wrote the manuscript during our stay of assistance to Sawathu Cao Mahāvaṃsa at Wat Ban Hong.