Once upon a time the Bodhisatta was born as Candakumāra, a son of the king of Bandhumati city. When his mother had died, his father married a new wife. The new wife wanted to kill Candakumāra, so she, had made a plan: Candakumāra to was assigned to hunt an animal for the kinging, otherwise he would. If Candakumāra could not get any animals, he will be subjected to death penalty; but he could do it. He can complete the task, but he does not want to do it anymore. Since he was fed up with being assigned to hunt animals and being fooled, he committed suicide by went to jumping into the water. His spirit to kill himself. His soul resided in a goat that. The goat was adopted by a daughter of the king of Rājagaha city. Later, that they got married. Candakumāra moved the troops to fight against with Bandhumati city and eventually. He then ruled governed the Bandhumati city, replacing the son of his stepmother.