The manuscript contains 5 texts on Islamic sciences. One is a fragment on fiqh from the Naẓam al-‘Aqīdah al-Sanīyah by al-Yāfi’ī (d. 1367 AD), a fragment on Arabic morphology (ṣarf), and the Kitāb al-'Awāmil by ‘Abdul Qâhir al-Jurjānī (d. 1078 AD) on Arabic syntax (naḥw).
Other notes:
Each text has interlinear glosses in Javanese in Pegon and explanations (taqrīrāt) in Arabic in Arabic script and Javanese in Pegon. The translations and the notes were written by Kiyai Muhammad Anwar, the founder of Pesantren Selajambe, Cisaat, Sukabumi, who lived at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century and who founded the pesantren around 1890.
The text is used in the curriculum in the pesantren.
The fourth and fifth texts state that the manuscript was owned by Muhammad Anwar:
Text 4:
محمد أنوار أوجوع بروع لن جسائة
(Muhammad Anwar Ujungberung lan Cisaat)
Text 5:
كسديان أنو نعالين لمون أيا أنو ساله موكي دبنركن / كوسبب نولس كر دأجر كينيه / حق كؤلا محمد أنوار / جسائة
(Kasadayana anu ningalian lamun aya anu salah mugi dibenerkeun / kusabab nulis keur diajar keneh / hak kaula Muhammad Anwar / Cisaat).