The manuscript deals with Sufism and explains mental states of mind such as ambition, greed, arrogance, jealousy and what to do about them such as being patient, pious, sincere, thankful etc. It uses quotes from the Hadith and the examples of the Prophet to make its point. The text ends with a reminder of death.
تمت نولس فوي ثلث جم 12 فع 14 صفر تهون1321 / 1903
(Tamat nulis poe Salasa jam 12 ping 14 Sapar tahun 1321 / 1903 [selesai menulis pada hari Selasa jam 12 tanggal 14 Safar tahun 1321 / 1903]).
Other notes:
The text is an authentic Sundanese work although the author is unknown. It was written in 1903. The name of the owner, Ṣāliḥ bin Muḥammad (صالح بن محمد) is found on the cover.