Text 1: The manuscript contains part of the al-Matn al-Munîf on the principles of logic (mantiq) and how to apply it. It also contains various examples.
Text 2: The text contains a paragraph of the permit to say prayers to meet the requirements to finish a certain task, preceded by the saying of the Surat Al-Fatihah. The text is written up-side-down in relation to the other text.
Text 1:
تمت كتابة المتن المنيف، بعون الله الملك اللطيف قبيل الظهر يوم الأحد 25 رمضان 1359 هـ أحمد شاطبي بن الحج حسب الله شنجوري
(Selesai menulis kitab al-Matn al-Munīf, atas pertolongan Allah Dzat Yang Maha Merajai dan Maha Lembut, pada waktu menjelang zuhur, hari Ahad 25 Ramadhan 1359 H. Selesai oleh Ahmad Syâthibî b. Haji Hasabullah [Cijedil] Cianjur).
text 2: أجزت يوم الإثنين حادي عشر رمضان سنة 1359 هـ. أحمد شاطبي
[Aku telah diijazahkan atas doa ini pada tanggal Sebelas bulan Ramadhan tahun 1359 Hijri. Ahmad Syathibi].
Other notes:
The name KH. Ahmad Syathibi b. Haji Hasabullah from Cijedil, Cianjur (West Java) is added at the end of the manuscript.
Item 1 - Title in Native script:
المتن المنيف
Item 1 - Title in Roman script:
Al-Matn al-Munīf
Item 1 - Title in English script:
Al-Matn al-Munīf
Item 1 - Author:
Item 1 - Language:
Arabic; Sundanese
Item 2 - Title in Roman script:
[Ijazah doa]
Item 2 - Title in English script:
[Permit to say Prayers]
Item 2 - Author:
K.H. Ahmad Syathibi bin Haji Hasabullah Cijedil, Cianjur