The manuscript contains two texts. The first is on Islamic theology (‘aqidah) of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah and is a commentary (sharḥ) in Malay on the Umm al-Barâhîn or ‘aqîdah al-shughrâ by al-Sanûsî (d. 1490). The second text contains advice on ethical behavior, and prayers.
Text 1: The text is on Islamic theology (‘aqīdah) of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah and is a commentary (sharḥ) in Malay on the Umm al-Barâhîn or ‘aqîdah al-shughrâ by al-Sanûsî (d. 1490).
The commentary mentions its main sources as the Sharḥ al-Hudhudi (d. 1671), Sharḥ al-Syarqawi (d.. 1821); which are all commentaries on the Umm al-Barâhîn.
The Malay sharḥ is probably the Kitāb ‘Aqîdah al-Nâjîn fî ‘Ilm Ushûl al-Dîn by Syaikh Zainal Abidin Patani or Tuan Minal (d. 1891).
Text 2: The text contains quotes from the Manaqib Abu Hanifah and advice about ethical conduct. It also quotes prayers.
Other notes:
The cover states that the manuscript used to belong to Aden Anwar, and subsequently went to Dendanegara Cianjur. It changed hands on 20 Jumadil Awwal 1266 Hijri (5 April 1850 AD).
It says:
إي كتاب أصل كس دبل كؤل تي أدين أنوار / معس فوي ثلاث تعكل 20 ساسيه جمد الأول / هجرة 1266 صلى الله عليه وسلم / نو بوكا أين / دندنكرا جينجور
(Ieu kitab asal geus dibeuli kaula ti Aden Anwar / mangsa poe Salasa tanggal 20 sasih Jumadil Awwal / Hijrah 1266 Shallallâhu ‘alaihi wa sallam / nu boga ayeuna / Dendanegara Cianjur [kitab ini sudah dibeli oleh saya, dari Aden Anwar/ pada hari Selasa tanggal 20 bulan Jumadil Awal / tahun Hijrah 1266 Saw / yang memiliki sekarang / Dendanegara Cianjur])
Some pages contain notes in Javanese script.
Text 2: The main text has Malay interlinear glosses to explain Arabic text.