The manuscript contains seven texts on Islamic theological teachings, Islamic faith, Allah’s attributes, the meaning of the Shahadat etc.
Text 1: contains a fragment of the Islamic jurisprudence on the daily religious obligations starting with ablution, the salat, and a short explanation of the pillars of Islam.
Text 2: deals with faith in Allah, the angels, the Prophet, the Holy Book and the Last Day.
Text 3: The manuscript explains the meaning of the two sentences of the Shahadah.
Text 4: The text explains stories from the Hadith (hadits Jibril), the Shafi’i School and the names of the four Schools of Islamic Jurisprudence (madzhab).
Text 5 : The manuscript deals with the Islamic theology of the ahlussunnah wal jamaah.
Text 6: consists of prayers for the soul.
Text 7: The manuscript deals with the Islamic theology of the ahlussunnah wal jamaah.
Other notes:
The text has lafadz mas’alatun rubrication in a special and unique form in black ink.
Text 1: The text is part of the initial curriculum in pesantren before other texts such as Fathul Qarib, Fathul Mu’in, and Fathul Wahhab are studied.
Text 2, 3 and 4: The material in the text is used in pesantren.
Text 5: The work is the main book of reference on the Islamic theology of Imam Asy’ari and many commentaries on the text were made.
Text 7: The work is the main book of reference on the Islamic theology of Imam Asy’ari and many commentaries on the text were made. The text is a continuation of text 5 in this manuscript.
Item 1 - Title in Roman script:
[Fragmen Fiqih]
Item 1 - Title in English script:
[Fragments on Islamic Jurisprudence]
Item 1 - Author:
Item 1 - Language:
Arabic; Javanese
Item 2 - Title in Native script:
مسائل عقيدة الإسلام
Item 2 - Title in Roman script:
Masail ‘Aqidah al-Islam
Item 2 - Title in English script:
Masail ‘Aqidah al-Islam
Item 2 - Author:
Abu al-Laits Muhammad ibn Nashr ibn Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (w. 983)
Item 2 - Language:
Arabic; Javanese
Item 3 - Title in Roman script:
[Ma’na Kalimatay Syahadah]
Item 3 - Title in English script:
[Ma’na Kalimatay Syahadah]
Item 3 - Author:
Item 3 - Language:
Arabic; Javanese
Item 4 - Title in Roman script:
[Fiqih Syafi’i]
Item 4 - Title in English script:
[Islamic Jurisprudence of the Shafi’i School]
Item 4 - Author:
Item 4 - Language:
Arabic; Javanese
Item 5 - Title in Native script:
متن السنوسية
Item 5 - Title in Roman script:
Matan al-Sanusiyah
Item 5 - Title in English script:
Matan al-Sanusiyah
Item 5 - Author:
Syekh Abdullah Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Syu’aib al-Sanusi (w. 1426)
Item 5 - Language:
Arabic; Javanese
Item 6 - Title in Roman script:
[Doa Arwah]
Item 6 - Title in English script:
[Prayer for the Soul]
Item 6 - Author:
Item 6 - Language:
Arabic; Javanese
Item 7 - Title in Native script:
متن السنوسية
Item 7 - Title in Roman script:
Matan al-Sanusiyah
Item 7 - Title in English script:
Matan al-Sanusiyah
Item 7 - Author:
Syaikh Abdullah Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Syu’aib al-Sanusi (w. 1426)