While residing on the Ghijjhakuta Mount in Rajagir, the Buddha visited Ananda Thera who was already old and suffered from illness. After Ananda told the Buddha about his bad condition, the Buddha preached the Sarakarivija Sutta and advised him to remember and recite it. By regularly chanting this Sutta, his illness would abate. Previous Buddhas such as the Buddha Vessabu, Kukkusanda, Kassapa, and others also preached this Sutta in order to benefit people.
Folio 42 on the recto side: In BE 2514, a huang khai year, on the sixth day of the waxing moon of the second [lunar] month, a Sunday, at noon, the writing of this manuscript was finished. Mae Thao Khao (nun) Peng, her children and grandchildren had the most ardent religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript entitled Salakarivisasut to support the Teachings of the Buddha to last until the end of 5 thousand years. May all my wishes and desires be fulfilled. May I be released from the harmfulness of Mara (the Evil One) and last until entering the Nirvana. Niccaṃ dhuvaṃ dhuvaṃ (constantly and certainly).